Archive for the 'Littlelandia' Category

Is Littlelandia threatened?

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

I have a kind of plant in my miniature hobby garden that is troublesome. At first I considered it a nice mosslike cover. I even thought it was Irish Moss for awhile. But it really exploded in Spring, and I am thinking it is trouble for moss oriented Littlelandia.

Can you help me identify this plant?

Possible invasive plant in Littlelandia.

Possible invasive plant in Littlelandia. Photo 1.

Possible invasive plant in Littlelandia 2

Possible invasive plant in Littlelandia. Photo 2.

Schleich Raccoon 1

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
Schleich raccoon in a miniature landscape

Picture of a Schleich Raccoon in Littlelandia