Thank You For This Gift




Thank You For This Gift


a long day filled with many bright connections balanced by the finality of closed doors.

home to check emails and another futile spin through craig’s list.

one last email comes through.


thank you for this gift.

it is what a mad poet has to give.


no one can walk this path for me.

In fact, i have to be quite dogged in following the scent.

but the light of those close does help

and that YOU with your heart sight – do see the dilemma.

my challenge, at least, is not invisible.

but It’s weight and girth are mine to shift.

Certainly there is help that one can ask for – and will.


But it is those things that come unbidden that can mean the most in the dark times.

Those are gifts one can’t request.


Like a check from the aunts.

Like a surprise visit from santa claus.

Like a poem.


thank you.




In case you missed the intro to this piece

The Lisa Poems


Explore the Lisa Lepine Legacy as it continues to unfold.


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